A-Z Parent Information

A-Z Information


Changes to Details

Please keep staff and the school informed of any changes to address, home/work phone numbers, child care arrangements, medical information and emergency contact phone numbers. However, please keep telephone calls to the preschool during session times for urgent matters only as it is disruptive to the program when staff leave the children to answer the telephone.

Child Protection Practices

All employees in schools are mandated to report any case of suspected child abuse. Failure to notify suspected physical and /or sexual abuse of children is a criminal offence.
Staff will deliver lessons to children in protective behaviour and safe behaviours. Staff will also deliver lessons to enhance social and emotional skills.


Physical activity is very importance for children so educators provide opportunities for structured and unstructured physical activity.
During the preschool sessions, your child will be involved with some hands on experiences both inside the classroom and in the outdoor area. These activities can, at times, be very messy. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately so that they feel confident to participate in all the challenges provided throughout the session. In keeping with the sun safe policy, children will need to wear either a legionnaires or wide brimmed style hat. Please ensure that cords on hats are detachable in compliance with Directorate regulations. If children do not have a hat, they will only be allowed to play in the shade. A warm coat and hat is required in winter. The children will be challenging themselves on the climbing equipment so sensible footwear is essential and long dresses and skirts can be dangerous. Please label all of your child’s clothing and pack a spare set in case of extremely messy play or accidents.

Communication with Staff

Our school recognises the importance of a positive parent/staff relationship. We encourage:
• Sharing knowledge to enhance the growth and development of your child.
• Developing positive relationships with families that are based on mutual trust and open communication.
• Developing a sense of belonging to the preschool for the children, parents and staff.

Important notices are placed on the white board and on the windows.
Important notes are sent home. These are placed into the children’s going home pockets.
Newsletters are produced fortnightly with information about what is happening in the school.
Parent meetings are held twice or three times a term for your input and feedback.
Parent interviews are held at the beginning of terms 1 and 3. Parents are encouraged to make an appointment to talk at any time if you have questions or concerns.
Teachers appreciate the opportunity to talk with parents and carers both informally and in formal situations. This ensures valuable insights, and understandings, can be appreciated about a child’s individual developmental journey. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask for an appointment to meet with the teacher.

Concerns or Complaints

If you have any concerns, please approach your child’s teacher and make a time to talk. We are keen to ensure that everyone has a happy preschool year.
You are also welcome to make contact with the executive teachers in the primary school.
Should the need arise the ACT Education and Training Directorate has a policy for complaints resolution. This policy can be accessed at the ACT Education and Training Directorate.